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Recent Moving $ Storage Posts

Moving all those Strange Possessions November 27, 2024

Aquariums November 27, 2024

 Antique crystal chandeliers       November 27, 2024

Moving all those Strange Possessions

All of our possessions are important but those rare, on-of-a-kind, or antique items are truly PRICELESS!

Here are some tips to ensure those valuable one-of-a-kind items survive the MOVE!


A 200-gallon aquarium might make your house look like a Million bucks but not if it’s smashed into 50 bazillion pieces while transported in the moving truck.  How to avoid such an accident? By having the aquariums packed into the proper boxes to ensure their safety. This is achieved through purchasing specialty mirror boxes designed for glass which are usually available at your local hardware stores or directly from most moving companies.

 Antique crystal chandeliers      

Your great grandfather’s size-of-a-Cadillac antique chandelier is a MUST take item with more value than anything else in the house. So how can one ensure the safe and sound transport? The most important factor is packing the items in their proper size and shape boxes. This can be challenging at times; especially for that 1800’s glass chandelier. One way to achieve a perfect fit is by cutting down ordinary packing boxes, found at most local hardware stores, in half and taping these pieces together to form a custom-shaped box can be a useful and cost effective strategy.